My Father's Day

Time flies quickly. As September approaches, I will be turning 58 years old. My daughter Cataryna is 27, Nestie is 24, and Isabella is 19. 

It is amazing how quickly life moves forward and how our loved ones continue to grow and change. Back in 1988, I had the pleasure of meeting Chrissy. I can confidently say that there is no greater joy than bringing life into this world. It goes beyond just the act of procreation; it's about the constant learning and growth that comes with raising and nurturing another human being. This experience has truly been the most rewarding and fulfilling journey of my life. 

The chance to exist on this beautiful planet is a rare and profound gift. I am grateful to the divine force that has allowed me to experience the joy of living along side Chrissy and our precious children. 

Not too long ago, I found myself in the continent of North America, completely unfamiliar with the culture and language. Fast forward to today, and I am feeling a sense of nostalgia as I reflect on the fact that we have been visiting this beach for over three decades, surpassing the amount of time I lived in Puerto Rico. At times, I find myself contemplating the inherent worth and sanctity of our lives, juxtaposed with the demands of our daily responsibilities that often revolve around earning a living to sustain ourselves. This cycle often leaves little room for us to truly engage with our loved ones, particularly our children, in a meaningful and fulfilling manner. 

The conceptof scarcity only exacerbates this issue, especially when it is artificially created or imposed upon us. I imagine a world where the vast resources (existences) of our planet and other celestial bodies are distributed equally among all beings, both now and in the future, creating a perpetual cycle of shared abundance. 

Life, though brief, is brimming with opportunities, blessings, tales, and visuals. I am grateful for the chance to experience all that life has to offer. Amidst the speculations and forecasts, I firmly believe that an extraordinary and divine occurrence is approaching. This event has the capability to produce significant advantages not just for our Earth, but also for the numerous other planets that reside in the vastness of the universe. The potential impact of this event reaches far beyond our own planet, into the depths of the cosmos where countless worlds await the benefits that it may bring. 

It is a fleeting instance that surpasses the boundaries of our knowledge, providing a brief insight into the interwoven nature of everything in the universe and the deep enigmas that remain beyond our grasp. In this moment, we are reminded of the intricate connections that bind us all and the vast unknown that lies ahead, challenging us to expand our understanding and explore the mysteries that await.